Workshop IX

"Dealing with Anger, Resentment and Manipulation"


Many of us were born in homes where our parents would use different manipulative techniques to try to get us to do or say what they wanted.  We may not even be aware that we ourselves continue to use these techniques in our adult lives.  We may have had to deal with anger and resentments, either from ourselves or from others.


Our goal in recovery is to move to a more healthy approach of dealing with anger, resentments, and to clearly see the manipulation techniques that we and others use to try to get our/their way.  Once we can recognize how people express anger, what different manipulative techniques are being used, and understand what is driving those feelings, we are more able to choose a better way of interacting with others.  The goal of this workshop is to explore different ways people express anger, what is behind that anger & resentment, and to learn to recognize manipulation techniques that are being used by ourselves and others.  An emphasis will be placed on exploring program tools that can be used to deal with difficult interactions.



Pat M


Pat is an adult child of a alcoholic and began seeking recovery from the effects of growing up in a alcoholic home during high school.  She continued her education and received a BA in Psychology and a MA in Counselor Education and Research hoping to find the answers to the pain she felt inside. Pat lives in Ringgold, VA (pop. 5,560) which does not have an ACA meeting, so she first came into recovery through the doors of Al-Anon.  She served as a Group Representative, District Representative, Alateen Sponsor, Chair for the Virginia Area Al-Anon State Assembly as well as serving as the Virginia Delegate to the Al-Anon World Service Conference.  After discovering the ACA Big Red Book, she helped create a conference call that was a study/discussion group of the book.  She has presented numerous programs at the regional and state level in Virginia and North Carolina.


Download Workshop Materials:


Workshop Handout

4th Step Chart Expanded

Examples of Character Defects


Link to .mp3 audio - Dealing with Anger, Resentment and Manipulation